
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Reading Harrington with a hang over

The first day of the year didn't start that good. I played 8 tourneys without getting ITM in any of them. I think I played ok, but it wasn't my A-game for sure. I was pretty tired after new year's eve and I was also watching TV while I was playing. Watching TV while playing is a bad habit I have. I think it will be hard for me to stop watching TV while I play poker, but I will try to switch of the TV if I go deep in a tourny. This can be an additional new year resolution.

I have also started to read the first Harrington book. I have started to read this book several times, but never finished it. I guess that the main part of all tournament players has read this book already, so its about time I read his books. After this book I will continue with the second part about the End Game. Then I will try to find some additional good books about tournaments.

Strategic Play by Dan Harrington

Monday 31 December 2012

My new years resolutions

Ok, here is my new year's resolution. If i fulfill 7 out of 10 i will be more than happy.
Happy New Year!!!
Poker Goal 2013:

Play 2000 SnG
Play 1500 MMT
read 4 poker books
Watch 100 training videos
1000 posts on 2+2
NOT playing cash game

Other Goals 2013:

Run 10 km in 45 minutes.
Do more activities with the kids.
Buy a new car.
Go to the gym 3 times a week.
Start eating breakfast.

Sunday 30 December 2012


This is my first post on the very last day of the year. I plan to start a new poker journey after I have been away from the "poker scene" for a while. Before my last retirement I played alot of poker, but was probably break even over all. Ok It is fun with poker, but I would like to make some money out of it aswell. So this journey will include a lot of studying for sure.

I will start with a bank roll of $1000 and play MMT and SnG. The BuyIn for MMT will be at most $10 per tourny and I guess I will start playing 10$ SnG:s. I will mostly play on poker sites within european union because the swedish tax authorities are pretty aggresive on players that play on sites outside EU. I will not have any monetary goals. I will just try to play the best poker I am able to and study alot of poker literature, read and write hand analysis on forums, watch training videos etc.

Who am I? I'm a guy living in sweden with my girlfriend and two kids. I´m around 40 years old and work as a business consultant at an IT company. Due to my family status and my job I will not have like 20h sessions playing poker. It will be more balanced. If I go really deep in a tourny I guess I can be late for work because I have a pretty flexible job.

Ok, lets play!